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text message app for computer

Unloose SMS APIs

If you're strictly looking for slaveless SMS apis, I would check over knocked out this API collecting, which contains SMS APIs that are free, have a freemium pricing role model, or offer a release trial credit.

SMS APIs Breakdown

In today's digital world, there is without doubt that innovation is changing our conventional shipway of doing things.

View the Best SMS Genus Apis

The business environment has experienced rattling technological change over the geezerhood.

In orderliness to remain capitalist, one must accommodate to the new slipway of selling products and services, such equally integrating with an API for sending SMS messages.

Whole number SMS API marketing technique is one and only of the best strategies that businesses are using to reach thousands of potential clients with just a press of a button thanks to the SMS API platforms.

What is SMS API?

An SMS API refers to a software integration interface that enables code to send short messages through an SMS API platform.

It lets you build a personalized SMS channel for sending and receiving all your messages (like texting someone a GIF).

Depending on your preference, you behind get an SMS API for either HTTP, Java Beaver State PHP.

Formerly you've assemble a functional SMS API, it will help you:

  • Send and receive SMS in diametric forms
  • Access the recipient respond without any password authentication
  • Review the status of all your messages right away
SMS Text Message APIs on RapidAPI.com

In this blog post, we'll compare SMS Gateway/SMS providers to help you decide which is the unsurpassable Beaver State cheapest option for your needs.

What is the best SMS API?

After reviewing over 53 SMS APIs, we recovered these 8 APIs to be the very best and worth mentioning:

  • Twilio SMS API
  • Telesign SMS Verify API
  • Nexmo SMS Messaging API
  • Telnyx API
  • MessageBird API
  • ClickSend (Inteltech) API
  • Nexmo Verify API

Our Best 8 Better SMS Apis for 2021

Twilio SMS Best for SMS Messaging, Verification, and Amoun Lookup Join to API
Telesign SMS Verify Superior for Verification & 2-factor out Authentication Get in touch to API
Nexmo SMS Messaging Best for Sending and Receiving Text edition Messages Globally Connect to API
D7SMS Best for Worldwide SMS Transmisson Connect to API
Telnyx Best for Voice, Data & Messaging Connect to API
MessageBird Best for Voice, SMS and WhatsApp Connect to API
ClickSend (Inteltech) Sunday-go-to-meeting for Sending & Receiving SMS Link to API
Nexmo Swear Best for SMS Verification Connect to API

Name of our Top Picks for the Best SMS Electronic messaging APIs

If you have non integrated your stage business systems with a functional SMS API, your marketing strategies are not up-to-date and you might lose your clients to competitors.

The following list illustrates the about popular SMS APIs & SMS API providers that you can try today in order to make your SMS marketing campaigns effective and patronizing:

1. Twilio SMS

The Twilio SMS API is another corking messaging API that enables programmable SMS messaging through their API.

Twilio has 3 different APIs for different functionalities:

  1. Twilio SMS API - Twilio's Programmable SMS API helps you minimal brain damage robust messaging capabilities to your applications.
  2. Twilio Avow Phone Number API - Equally part of Twilio's account security offerings, the Twilio Verify API makes it simple to total phone verification to your web application. It supports codes sent via voice and SMS.
  3. Twilio Lookup API - Boil down undeliverable messages, distinguish local-friendly turn formats, and resolve caller name calling with Twilio Lookup. Find phone types, carriers, and more; Search allows you to programmatically get information astir phone numbers so you can be as effectual A possible.

Each API has a pay-per-use pricing model at a reasonable toll to get your started:

  • Twilio SMS - $0.0001/use
  • Twilio Verify Phone Number - $0.05/use
  • Twilio Lookup - $0.01/Search (include caller name) or $0.005/Lookup (let in carrier)


  • Send SMS with Twilio (Ruby happening Rails)
  • How to Use the Twilio API with PHP
  • Twilio Python SMS API Tutorial
  • SMS API Knob.JS
  • Twilio SMS API React Tutorial

Example API Call (PHP cURL)

<?php $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => "https://twilio-sms.p.rapidapi.com/2010-04-01/Explanation", 	CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, 	CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, 	CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", 	CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, 	CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, 	CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, 	CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "Catch", 	CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 		"x-rapidapi-host: twilio-sms.p.rapidapi.com", 		"x-rapidapi-key: 5qJqwzYfEQmshH8rccqVytKwQ0c3p1FPQUwjsn7KaDUfQdpCaj" 	), ));  $response = curl_exec($curl); $drift = curl_error($Curl);  curl_close($curl);  if ($slip) { 	echo "cURL Error #:" . $err; } else { 	reverberate $reply; }

2. Telesign SMS Verify

The Telesign SMS Aver API offers verification and deuce-factor authentication (complete SMS) capabilities through their REST API. This is the perfect API for adding certification into your mobile app with a verification code (via text message).

The Telesign API has one end point:

  • Send Confirmation Write in code

Telesign SMS API Pricing

The SMS Verification API is a freemium API available with 4 dissimilar pricing tiers:

  • First (free adequate 1000 calls/calendar month)
  • Pro ($10/month) - 100,000 calls/calendar month
  • Ultra ($50/calendar month) - 500,000 calls/month
  • Mega ($250/month) - 2,500,000 calls/Clarence Shepard Day Jr.

Telesign SMS Verify credits vary depending along the recipient role country, which can see hither.

Example API Call (Lymph node.js)

volt-ampere qs = require("querystring"); var HTTP = take("https");  var options = {   "method": "POST",   "hostname": "telesign-telesign-send-sms-verification-code-v1.p.rapidapi.com",   "port": null,   "route": "/sms-verification-code",   "headers": {     "x-rapidapi-host": "telesign-telesign-send-sms-verification-code-v1.p.rapidapi.com",     "x-rapidapi-key": "5qJqwzYfEQmshH8rccqVytKwQ0c3p1FPQUwjsn7KaDUfQdpCaj",     "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"   } };  volt-ampere req = http.request(options, function (res) {   volt-ampere chunks = [];    res.on("data", function (chunk) {     chunks.push(chunk);   });    res.on("final stage", use () {     var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);     console.log(body.toString());   }); });  req.pen(qs.stringify({})); req.end();

3. Nexmo SMS Messaging

The Nexmo SMS API is one of the top SMS Apis out there. Information technology allows developers to send and receive SMS textual matter messages to users around the globe through their REST API. Nexmo is one of the preferred Apis if you're looking to integrate SMS messages into your Android or iOS mobile app.

The API has 4 endpoints:

  • Send an SMS
  • Pricing by Commonwealth Code
  • Pricing away Phone Number
  • Lookup Numbers

Nexmo SMS API Pricing

The Nexmo API has a pay per use pricing structure which charges $0.0001/use of an API call.

See all Nexmo APIs.

Related: How to Use the Nexmo API with PHP

Exemplar API Call (C#)

var client = new RestClient("https://nexmo-nexmo-number-insight-v1.p.rapidapi.com/basic/json"); var request = new RestRequest(Method.Wiley Post); request.AddHeader("x-rapidapi-server", "nexmo-nexmo-number-insight-v1.p.rapidapi.com"); request.AddHeader("x-rapidapi-key", "5qJqwzYfEQmshH8rccqVytKwQ0c3p1FPQUwjsn7KaDUfQdpCaj"); postulation.AddHeader("self-satisfied-typewrite", "application program/x-www-form-urlencoded"); IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

4. D7SMS

The D7SMS API allows developers to integrate the Direct7 SMS gateway into your software package operating room application to give customers over D7's spheric mobile meshing. This SMS API is great for sms notifications and communication exploitation D7's worldwide SMS mien.

The API has 3 endpoints:

  1. symmetry - get the user account's balance and quota
  2. send - send a unary message to one destination address
  3. sendbatch - batch multiple messages to one or more destinations.

In order to get started, sign raised for an account at d7networks.com.

5. Telnyx

Telnyx is a VoIP telecom service supplier that offers quadruplex capabilities through their API including:

  • Voice
  • Information
  • Electronic messaging

Telnyx API is great solution if you need more than just SMS.

To begin victimization the API, you'll need to navigate to Telnyx and register for an account. Create a connector and copy your API tokens to role with RapidAPI.

Get wind to a greater extent about how to use the API here.

6. MessageBird

MessageBird's SMS Gateway API provides a simple and fast API for sending and receiving text messages everywhere the worldwide.

The API has 2 endpoints:

  • HLR-lookup (network interrogation)
  • SMS Gateway

7. ClickSend (Inteltech)

Clicksend (formerly Inteltech) is a cloud-based service that lets you send and receive SMS, Email, Sound, Fax, and Letters worldwide.

The API has 2 endpoints:

  1. Check Credit
  2. Send back SMS

To bestir oneself, headway over to ClickSend and sign up for an account. Snaffle your username &ere; API key, and enter information technology in the required parameters in the API console to test the endpoints.

8. Nexmo Verify

The Nexmo Verify API helps protect your users and your business with an all-in-one and only, thrifty check.

This RESTful SMS API allows you to send a verification PIN code by SMS to prove a substance abuser prat be contacted by that earphone number.

This is useful for:

  • Spam Trade protection
  • Cut Protection
  • Ii-factor Certification
  • Arrival users

when building a website, software, or mobile app.

The Nexmo Aver request costs vary by nation:

Receiver Commonwealth Code (ISO2) Credit Cost Per Verification Sent USD Cost Per Verification Sent
All Others 1205 $0.1205
US 361 $0.0361
IN 361 $0.0361

Read more around the Nexmo Verify API details.

Representative API Telephone (Java)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();  Quest request = newborn Request.Builder()   .url("https://nexmo-nexmo-sms-verify-v1.p.rapidapi.com/send-verification-cipher")   .post(nix)   .addHeader("x-rapidapi-host", "nexmo-nexmo-sms-verify-v1.p.rapidapi.com")   .addHeader("x-rapidapi-key", "5qJqwzYfEQmshH8rccqVytKwQ0c3p1FPQUwjsn7KaDUfQdpCaj")   .addHeader("content-type", "application program/x-www-form-urlencoded")   .build();  Reply response = guest.newCall(request).execute();

How does an SMS API Work?

An SMS API works aside helping businesses send bulk SMS in various formats across polar kinda networks.

You are supposed to prefer your preferable smart subject matter service provider who will walk you done the process of integration.

You will be guided on how your business system will make up linked to a working SMS API.

At one time the integration is complete, the system is then tested to ensure information technology's working by rights.

Your commercial enterprise can forthwith start victimisation the SMS API platform to communicate with both customers and staff seamlessly.

Benefits of using SMS API

  • SMS API helps your business link all its systems into a single functional center thence, fashioning IT easier to send bulk SMS to a wide range of networks.
  • SMS gateway API is faster and businesslike compared to other forms of communication.
  • You can get personalized SMS API that is apotheosis for your unique lin system. You can customize your bulk SMS messages and include client's personal information such As name as comfortably as One-Time-Pins (OTP). They are efficacious and stretched.
  • SMS API is reliable in terms of speed and ease of use. With just a click of a button, you are able to communicate with respective clients across different field networks and get real-fourth dimension feedback.
  • SMS Apis guarantees a total data security as they are formulated with advanced technologies.

Do you agree with our list? Which is your preferred SMS API or message service provider to mail text edition messages online? Let us get it on in the comments below.


How can I let get at to SMS APIs?

Getting access to SMS APIs is easy:
  1. Sign up for a free RapidAPI user describe.
  2. Find any available SMS API (and sign if necessary).
  3. Psychometric test the Endpoints.
  4. Grab the Code Snippet for your preferred programming language.
  5. Integrate into your app!

What is SMS API Integration?

SMS API integration allows developers to utilize SMS providers to send and receive SMS text messages inside their software, websites, or mobile applications.

What is a Messaging API?

Messaging API refers to whatever service that enables developers to implement various electronic messaging technologies in an application via a single programmable port. Source: PubNub Opinion more messaging and chatter APIs.

What is an SMS Gateway?

An SMS gateway allows a electronic computer to send operating theatre pick up Short Message Service (SMS) transmissions to operating theater from a telecommunications network. Most messages are eventually routed into the mobile phone networks. Many SMS gateways support media rebirth from e-mail and other formats.

Source: Quora

Is there any unpaid API to air SMS?

There are a a couple of APIs that provide free SMS integration. If you'atomic number 75 looking for SMS APIs with a free Oregon freemium plan, check out this API collection. Most reliable SMS APIs have a pricing design and base their API usage on SMS messages conveyed. Cheque the pricing for top SMS providers ilk:
  • Nexmo - $0.0001/use of goods and services
  • TeleSign SMS Verify -1000 free credits/calendar month, then $0.0001 for each one additional credit

What is SMS gateway service?

An SMS gateway allows a computer to send or receive Mindless Message Service (SMS) transmissions to or from a telecommunications meshwork. Most messages are eventually routed into the mobile phone networks. Many SMS gateways defend media conversion from email and other formats. Source: Wikipedia

Summary: Best SMS APIs for Developers

API Sends SMS Sends MMS Two-factor Authentication Pricing
Nexmo SMS Messaging Yes No No Pay Per Use
Twilio Yes Yes Nary Pay Per Use
Telesign SMS Verify Nobelium No Yes Freemium
D7SMS Yes Atomic number 102 Yes $0.006 USD/Message
Telnyx Yes Atomic number 102 No $0.0045 USD/Outbound Message
MessageBird Yes No No Varies
ClickSend Yes No No Varies aside Bulk
Nexmo Verify No No Yes Freemium

SMS Service Providers

SMS engineering has risen to become one of the most dire communicating channels for most individuals and organizations. Whether you're running a survey, making a booking, or advertizing special offers to your customers, there are atomic number 102 improve agency than the use bulk SMS services. Emails throne extend to uninformed, calls can comprise unanswered, leaflets backside be thrown into the trash, but when you post a textual matter message, it wish be read in the first present moment it pops up in the telephone set's notification bar. It's like a average for anthropoid beings to want to read a text message once received on their mobile phone.

 And given how affordable they can follow, businesses can get higher ROI when using SMS than some other channel. However, depending on your patronage's unique of necessity, you ought to select a provider that offers some pricing tiers, have an option for bulk SMS, is reliable, and boast other functions such as an API. Before we progress further, let's try and understand what SMS Service providers are all almost.

What is an SMS Servicing Supplier?

An SMS service provider can be defined as a business entity that specializes in the provision of SMS text messages, even though it is non a perambulating network operator itself. It acts as the intermediary between customers and mobile network providers. SMS service providers enter into agreements with vast network providers, and they are be authorized to utilize these networks to facilitate the exchange of SMS messages. They offer customers an interface that they can use to send and receive SMS messages. Sometimes, these service providers Crataegus laevigata utilize SMS gateways to provide more sophisticated services.

What is an SMS Gateway?

An SMS Gateway is a protocol that enables a reckoner to send and receive SMS messages done ambulant mesh SMPP protocol. The SMS gateway converts the message being sent into a language that can be easily understood away the meshwork receiving it. This ensures that the text message reaches the intended target without any delays. An SMS gateway permits companies to utilize their email, CRM software program, or computer to deliver SMS text edition messages to customers. IT then returns a bringing report detailing the delivery time and position.

Years past, SMS gateways were real pieces of hardware with sim card game and radios. Apiece was connected to a mobile net to send messages in a similar path to a typical cancellate sound. However, today's SMS gateways route SMS messages to the mechanised networks through an SMPP interface that is exposed by the systems via APIs. SMS service providers that leverage SMS gateways are preferred since they deliver loads of features that benefit whatever enterprise, whether in Education, health care, retail, or entertainment industries.

Which is the scoop mass SMS service provider?

Patc respective companies go bulk SMS services, only a couple of of them are top-notch. In this piece, we take a sneak glint of this world-class bulk service provider.


When it comes to bulk SMS services, no company comes close to Twilio. Boasting a programmable SMS platform that runs on a professionally balanced software system platform, this provider can offer bulk SMS and guarantee expeditious and safe delivery. Some of the unequalled features that make it one of the most respected SMS service providers include multi-tenancy, scaler, geo check, scaler, and queueing.

Since most organizations in the modern food market apply APIs, you'll also exist glad to sleep with that Twilio integrates up-to-date Genus Apis that allow you to program SMS messaging. Twilio not sole adds robust electronic messaging capabilities to your enterprise, merely also helps you to add phone verification, and get along deliveries whenever you send a content to a customer or prospect.  When it comes to selecting the most accomplished SMS service provider, you throne rely that Twilio is a fantastic choice.

SMS technology has risen to get one of the most critical communication channels for most individuals and organizations. Whether you're running a sight, making a booking, or advertising peculiar offers to your customers, there are none better means than the use of bulk SMS services. Emails can go unread, calls can follow nonreciprocal, leaflets hindquarters be down into the trash, but when you send a text message, IT will be say in the first import it pops aweigh in the ring's apprisal bar. Information technology's like a average for humankind to want to read a text message once received on their cellphone.

And given how affordable they hindquarters be, businesses can nonplus higher ROI when using SMS than any otherwise communicating channel. Yet, depending on your clientele's unique needs, you ought to select a provider that offers several pricing tiers, have an choice for bulk SMS, is reliable, and boast opposite functions such as an API. Before we advancement further, let's try and understand what SMS Service providers are all active.

  • Twilio SMS Tutorial [Video]
  • Twilio SMS API with Ruby (Tutorial)
  • How To Send SMS with PHP
  • JSON vs XML
  • List of SMS Websites to Send Texts Online
  • Top SMS APIs for Android Developers

SMS API Business Role Cases

  • Arrival Alerts (ridesharing like Uber and Lyft)
  • Lead Alerts
  • Dispatch Notifications
  • Order Confirmations
  • Shift Programing
  • Fitting Reminders
  • Billing Alerts
  • Sales and Support
  • 2Factor Verification (ensure telephone set verification APIs)
  • Surveys
  • Subscriber Direction
  • Mobile App Promotion
  • Passwordless Authentication
  • Social Invites

See more:

  • Nexmo
  • Twilio

WhatsApp Messaging APIs

  • Maytapi – Broadcast and receive messages from WhatsApp via Maytapi.
  • Chat-API – Jaw API WhatsApp gateway for sending messages, marketing campaigns and bots for PHP, JavaScript, Python, and more.

SMS Genus Apis for India

  • SMSly – SMS to INDIA
  • FreeSMS8
  • DND Checker – India
  • Dial2verify SMS Gateway
  • TheTexting Global SMS

View the Champion SMS APIs

Complete List of SMS APIs &ere; SMS Carriers

  • Quick Unhurried SMS - Quick and Easy SMS
  • Nexmo SMS Electronic messaging - Nexmo's SMS API allows you to direct and receive textual matter messages to users or so the globe through simple RESTful APIs.
  • SMS &adenylic acid; Voice Messages - Send SMS messages and voice messages using a simple to use API.
  • Get off SMS through MGS91 - This command rear be used to send text messages to either person numbers or whole touch groups.
  • The SMS Works - A rock solid, low toll SMS API that companies and organisations of all sizes can rely on.
  • DND Checker - India - Check DND status of any valid mobile number before sending a SMS/Text Message to India exploitation an up to date database of NDNC, NCCP, TRAI, DNC or NCPR.
  • Twilio - Enable programmable SMS, vocalism, video and IP Messaging.
  • FreeSMS8 - Send unlimited SMS to any Amerindian language mechanized number exploitation this API, whol you need is an account from freesms8.co.in
  • Telesign SMS Verify - Delivers patented phone-based verification and two-factor hallmark using a time-settled, one-time passcode sent over SMS
  • D7SMS - Quickly desegregate Direct7 SMS Gateway and reach your customers over D7's own connectivity to global mobile meshing.
  • SMS Gateway - MessageBird provides a simple and fast API for sending and receiving text messages (SMS) all over the world. Other related services are HLR-Lookup (network query) and sending and receiving Premium SMS messages.
  • TwilioCopilot - Add local telephone numbers and better scaling/delivery to SMS.
  • Inteltech SMS - Intelligent Technologies SMS API. Allows sending and receiving of SMS messages. An account is obligatory. Sign improving gratis at https://inteltech.com.au.Send messages to any country in the world.
  • Nexmo Number Insight - The smart way to get time period intelligence on numbers anywhere in the world and protect yourself from role playe and spam.
  • Nexmo Verify - Protect your users and your concern with all-in-incomparable, economic check.
  • ClickSend SMS - Clicksend SMS REST API.
  • Telnyx - Telnyx is a VoIP telecommunication service provider.
  • Infobip SMS - Quickly incorporate SMS messaging services into various solutions aside using Infobip HTTP application program programming interface (HTTP API). The HTTP API can constitute used for sending SMS messages, collecting saving reports, fashioning Number Context (number validation) requests and receiving inbound SMS messages sent from mobile phones.
  • SMSly - SMS to Bharat - Republic of India's #1 SMS Marketing and Alerts Platform now addressable at RapidAPI. One dog OTP confirmation | No setup costs | No license costs | You just pay a small fee per SMS | Clamant Delivery of SMS | Secured SMS Routes | Anteriority SMS Gateway Routes | Live Obstetrical delivery Report | All India & All Operator SMS Delivery | Easy integrating with Organization Systems | Transactional SMS Services. For totally of its features, SMSLy also offers extremely competitory pricing. We will be adding custom Sender ID support and other features to Mashape presently
  • MoceanAPI - MoceanAPI makes sending SMS and 2FA verification easy.
  • Octopush SMS - Octopush SMS allow you to automatically send SMS to over 200 countries. We provide API in either Hypertext transfer protocol or SMTP and in 5 languages: Java, C#, VBA, PHP and ASP. First of all time simple divine service with a scalable cloud architecture!
  • Hajana Combined Uninominal Branded SMS Only For West Pakistan - Hajana Unmatchable SMS Gateway has been designed for your convenience. Information technology sends personalized messages all finished the world, and manner of speaking lasts not Thomas More than a few proceedings (sending rush along is adequate 500 SMS per second). Aft the process is finished, you puzzle detailed reports. Many features of the SMS sending service provide easy, quick and safe dispersion of your campaigns.
  • BSG SMS Marketing - BSG makes it easy to send bulk SMS messages entirely finished the world over the fast Stay API for more languages. Other related services are HLR-Lookup (network query) and sending Viber mass campaigns
  • Sagenda v3 - Sagenda is an online booking software that helps your clients fix appointments and meetings with you online. Sagenda is usable at absolutely Zero Price for you operating room your clients! And the best thing about it is that you English hawthorn own an unlimited number of bookings and/or customers. On a square basis you can add SMS notifications, PayPal payment…
  • SMS Text electronic messaging gateway function - SMS TEXT API GATEWAY - Overcast RESTFUL AND LIGHTWEIGHT API.Send and receive text messages directly from and to your web application or IT systems via our API. With access to our well certified and nourished API you will live able to touch base directly
  • 46elks - Experience & send SMS messages, allocate phone numbers, control incoming phone calls, build IVRs, connect calls and create automated outgoing speech sound calls. Simply Voice, SMS & MMS in one undemanding API. Visit www.46elks.com for supporting and account founding.
  • SMS2USA - Send unlimited free SMS to USA using our service provided by https://sms2usa.msgbolt.com/
  • Branded SMS Pakistan - Branded SMS Pakistan offer Mask Messaging Gateway in Pakistan
  • Dial2verify SMS Gateway - Introducing ultra cheap Transactional SMS API for developers ( India ) Send rapid sms with fully customizable dynamic sender ids for FREE..Claim your Footloose SMS Credits at https://gook.gl/fsEPSo
  • TextIt - Easily create interactive SMS applications anyplace in the world. At the effect of TextIt lies our exclusive Flow locomotive. With Flows, anybody can coif up or modify a complex SMS application program without the need of a programmer or expensive consulting keep company. Using a first Android phone, you tin can launch your application instantly in any country spell avoiding high-ticket set-upwards costs or external technical support.
  • Msg91 - We are Responsible for to Surrender your SMS Instantaneously. Everytime.
  • SMSLink - SMS Service Provider covering 1,000+ networks in 168+ countries. SMSLink is a SMS provider that provides integrated services such as SMS Marketing, SMS Gateway, Mail to SMS and SMS Alerts.
  • Apifonica - A single API for SMS, social electronic messaging, and voice communicating, with free inbound calls and messages.
  • EasyPostTracking - Add postal package trailing to an app, email, SMS or more.
  • Minute SMS Sender - Atom Park SMS Gateway API provides a seamless and telling experience and service past desegregation with SMS API resolution to provide a means of communication betwixt your SMS gateway and your serve thus allowing you to send and receive bulk text messages and check delivery status and reports.
  • Clickatell - Use Clickatell's global SMS Gateway to send bulk SMS to: over 5.2 billion populate on 960+ networks in 220+ countries & territories. This product provides an interface between your existing systems and Clickatell's Messaging Gateway.
  • cloudwire Short Write in code SMS MMS - The cloudwi.re short code API is a big-chested messaging API for amenable USA based light code SMS/MMS applications and further supports international SMS to virtually every area in the world. No long surgery short codes are required. For international SMS, cloudwi.re utilizes local match long codes in finished 45 countries.
  • Hajana One Free SMS For Websites - Get Free SMS API for Your website, and Any application. currently we have daily limit on free API, we are offering 20 SMS/day.
  • HQSMS - HQSMS is a round SMS provider offering SMS gateway and specializing in SMS text messaging solutions : SMS notices, bulge SMS and HLR lookup service. HTTPS API port allows you to inegrate most of on-railway line applications.
  • HTTP Electronic messaging - The Hypertext transfer protocol API is used to send simple-minded SMS text messages past posting the message content and recipient information in a long URL.
  • Mobile Billing - Direct Carrier Billing, Direct Mobile Billing and Premium SMS billing payment methods, completely available using this Mobile Payments API from PencePay.com.All mobile billing flows are supported: Personal identification number, Redirect-to-Operator, Premium SMS and SMS handshake.
  • Mogreet - SMS, MMS, Transcoding and Exploiter Search APIs. Quickly and easily add messaging and rich media to your mobile application with the Mogreet Mobile Services Platform.
  • Onehop SMS - The listed REST API calls give you accession to the entire Onehop Platform stack. These API calls are configured to make it easy to add together a rich in-app messaging feature to your application.
  • Plivo - Add spokesperson calls, conference calls and SMS to your app.
  • Quiq - Quiq makes it easy for customers to interact with a company via Messaging. Customers can now engage client service via SMS/textbook messaging, Facebook Courier, Live Chat, and Kik for help with their pre-gross revenue questions and situatio-sales support.
  • Resalty SMS - With this API You Can Get off SMS And Get your Remainder you need to cause an history on resalty website to apply this API.
  • SMS Unification - API for sending SMS via the SMS Fusion platform
  • SMS sending - Station bulk SMS all or so the world, 200 countries covered and to a higher degree 700 operators are available. Picture https://www.allmysms.com/en/api-sms/ for more details and documentation.
  • SMS Text edition electronic messaging functions - Comprehensive SMS messaging functions..Direct UK connections, set the sender ID and place texts awake to 612 characters. Send SMS to the UK and Europe. Functions admit: Send SMS, Receive SMS, Schedule SMS, Delivery Reportage, Branch Level Identification. You can also control your Text Marketer account programmatically, for instance: Inject mobile numbers direct into your account, create new sub accounts and travel credits between them and create newfangled groups. Used by wellspring know brands through to start ups, low cost and reliability is our strength.
  • TCS Cloud Messaging - TCS' Fog Messaging Center REST API allows developers to well integrate SMS/Textual matter electronic messaging into their applications and web services. We offer nonpartizan text electronic messaging coverage for all U.S.A wireless carriers. The Cloud Electronic messaging Centerfield (CMC) REST API provides a set of methods that are called using https OR http, to do messaging (SMS) features.
  • TheTexting Circular SMS - Account Signup required..TheTexting RESTful API provides everlasting access to 10+ calls and allowing you to send texts globally..· You potty send text & unciode messages, read messages, change your account settings etc.
  • Transactional or OTP SMS - Digimiles SMS API can represent accustomed integrate with ecommerce sites, CRM softwares, mobile apps, websites to send automatic OTP's, alerts, notifications, reminders to registered mobile users.
  • SMSAPI.com API - SMSAPI is a spherical SMS communication provider for businesses and NGOs. Stiff and easy SMS communication at your fingertips!

text message app for computer

Source: https://rapidapi.com/blog/sms-apis-send-texts/

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